Nuestros servicios
Cada programa que ofrece Bethel surgió de las necesidades de nuestra fundadora cuando era madre soltera. Incluso tener tres trabajos no siempre era suficiente para pagar la cuenta del supermercado, mantener el automóvil o comprar regalos de Navidad para sus hijos.
How to get started:
Step One
Get Registered.
First time visitors , you must register online and provide a photo ID (passport, driver's license, military ID). For Food or Clothing only.
To receive additional services, upon being fully registered, you must provide all required documentation:
Current Photo ID
Birth Certificates OR Social Security Cards for EACH PERSON all living in the home (spouse, children, etc.). Only the people whose papers you provide will be able to receive our services.
A copy of your lease OR a current utility bill to verify your address. Don't have either? Click Here.
Proof of income. This can either be food stamps, your latest two paychecks, or disability.
Step Two
Scan all of your required documents listed above onto your computer or use your phone to upload pictures of your documents on the online form linked below.
Make sure to ADD EACH person in your household who needs assistance AND to upload their necessary documentation (listed in Step One) into the online form linked below.
Step Three
Click the link Register Here below for the *online form.
Completely fill out all available information.
Upload ALL requested documentation.
*After completing your registration, press the option to have it emailed to yourself. You should receive an email from Bethel Foundation which will include your client ID bar code. Take a picture or screenshot of your ID bar code to use once you arrive to our office for easier check in. You should only try to register ONE TIME. If you have technical issues, please contact us to verify your registration came through.
Now, you are ready to come to our office when you are able to receive assistance.
NOTE: If you are unable to upload the requested documents, please email them to OR bring them with you on your visit to Bethel.
More Details
Every three years, you will need to reregister as if it were your first time again and bring the same but current paperwork as listed above.
You do not have to be registered to sign up for our kid's camps.
If you want to receive a Thanksgiving meal, you must be fully registered by October of that year. Applications are accepted the first two weeks of November only.
If you want to sign up for our Angels for Kids Christmas program, you must be fully registered by the end of July of that year. Sign-ups are accepted for three months: August, September and October only.